Exploring South Alabama, Georgia, & Florida for Rare Gems and Minerals
Dothan Gem & Mineral Club
Monthly Dothan Gem & Mineral Club Meetings
The group meetings are held at 2 PM, the 4th Sun of
each month (except June, July & August). The group
meets at the Fellowship Hall of Tabernacle United
Methodist Church. 4205 S. Brannon Stand Road & Hwy
52 W., Taylor AL.
The Dothan Gem & Mineral Club is a member of the Southeast Federation and the
American Federation of Mineral Societies. The main objectives of the Club are:
To stimulate interest in lapidary, earth science and, when necessary, other related fields.
To sponsor an educational program within the membership to increase the knowledge of
its members in the properties, identifications and evaluations of rocks, minerals, fossils
and other related subjects.
To cooperate and aid in the solution of its members' problems encountered in the Club's
To cooperate with other mineralogical and geological clubs and societies.
To arrange and conduct field trips to facilitate the collection of minerals.
To provide opportunity for exchange and exhibition of specimens and materials.
To conduct its affairs without profit and to refrain from using its assets for pecuniary
benefit of any individual or group.
Welcome To Dothan Gem & Mineral Club
Copyright 2010 Dothan Gem & Mineral Club
Dothan, AL 36330
Club members - Our next meeting will be
Sept 22th. We are on summer break until
then. Bring treasures that you collect over
the summer for Show, Tell & Sell.
We will still be sending out emails about
summer digs & gem shows that are
happening in our area.